
I Need You Baby(谭咏麟)歌词

歌手:谭咏麟 所属专辑:你的凝望 词:谭咏麟 曲:Bingo Tso
歌词编辑:就要歌词网 发布时间:2020-01-09 本歌词有403个文字,大小约为2KB,预计阅读时间2分钟。

I Need You Baby歌词

I Need You Baby - 谭咏麟 (Alan Tam)
曲:Bingo Tso
No one in this world could
Ever give me love
As sweet as all the love can be
But you took it back without a sign
And suddenly we're far apart
Think of what you told me
We can work things out
Happy days in time toe
Now I'm the lonely one
With the broken heart
And just don't know what to do
What am I supposed to do
With the love I have for you
Should I act like you love me still
But in fact
You won't becoming back
What I give to you was everything I have
Still you treat me oh so bad oh so bad
Oh I beg you please on my bended knees
I need you baby can't you see
Now I'm the lonely one
With the broken heart
And just don't know what to do
What am I supposed to do
With the love I have for you
Should I act like you love me still
But in fact
You won't becoming back
What I give to you was everything I have
Still you treat me oh so bad oh so bad
Oh I beg you please on my bended knees
I need you baby can't you see
I need you baby can't you see
I need you baby can't you see
I need you baby can't you see
I need you baby can't you see
I need you baby can't you see
I need you baby can't you see
I need you baby can't you see


谭咏麟基本资料谭咏麟:谭咏麟,1950年8月23日出生于香港,籍贯广东新会,中国香港男歌手、音乐人、演员。1968年谭咏麟成为Loosers乐队的成员,从而进入演艺圈。1973年任温拿乐队主音歌手。... >>点击查看谭咏麟详细介绍


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